Saturday 30 October 2010

The Hair Incident

So I know it's Hallowe'en tomorrow, but I remembered this episode and it made me laugh - big time! So I thought I'd share it. (Sorry for laughing at your expense Amy, but you'll admit it's funny now)

This little post takes place at my old house at Christmas time in the late 90s/early 00s. Like most children at Christmas, my siblings and I were so freaking excited that Santa had come and left us presents and we could finally open ALL the presents that had been taunting us for weeks. On this particular day, we were up by 4am and had to wait until our parents got up, which was usually between 8 and 9am. The wait was painful, but well worth it.

After ripping all the presents open in a hurricane force in record time, our Mam told us to go and play upstairs. It's funny how Christmas is the only day of the year where you don't want to give a child chocolate as they are already dangerously hyper.

 We dragged our toys and scurried upstairs. After showing off what each of us got, my sister, Amy, showed me a brush she got.  We both thought, since it was a special looking brush, it must do something special. It must curl the hair, we concluded. Taking her hair, I wrapped the brush around it. We had seen our Granny do something similar with her hair to curl it. We had the right technique, just the wrong equipment. That's when the trouble began. That's when we realised a fatal flaw.

 (Remember, we were young, around 10-ish, and incredibly dumb)

In a state of panic, I began to pull at the brush, hoping it would wriggle free. But it only made things worse. It got even more tangled up.  I knew I'd be in big trouble if I went to our parents, so I continued to pull. By this point Amy has crying because, well there was a brush stuck in her hair. Feeling defeated, we seeked out help from our parents.

When my parents saw what I'd done they were pretty anger, to say the least. When our Mam said they would have to cut the brush out, Amy's eyes widened with terror. That would've meant a haircut like a boy, and she had long hair. Luckily, it didn't come to that as our Dad managed to get the brush out. It was very touch and go for a while. To say everyone was relieved when he untangled the brush was an understatement. And luckily for me this happened on Christmas day and with everything happening, it was forgotten about pretty quickly.

So moral of the story is: Don't Leave Children Unattended!

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