Monday 29 November 2010

Let It Snow...

The snow has come! And a month earlier than last year too. I have a hate/love relationship with snowy weather, as I'm sure most people my age and older do. I say hate/love because the hates outweigh the loves. Snow, its pretty to look at from the comfort of your home, but as soon as you have to go out in it, its a bitch.

When we were younger, we loved it when it snowed. If it snowed lots then it meant there was a chance the schools would be closed and we would have days off if it snowed bad enough, to play in the snow and make snowmen, have snow ball fights and go sledging.

Don't get me wrong. I do like the snow. I still love having snowball fights, making snowmen and watching it snow from the warmth of my house. But as soon as I am forced to go out in it to go to work, I hate it. No matter how warmly I dress or how many layers of clothes I put on, I'm chilled to the bone. Then the wind blows the snow in my face and I can't see where I'm going. By time I get to my destination, I'm covered in snow and irritated.

All I need in this picture is a snowman

If the snow's really bad, none of the buses can go because the roads are blocked. That's a big pain. Then there's the walking in the snow. Talk about slip and slide. I hate the ice and the slush! It makes me look so ungraceful when walking, almost like I'm drunk. Another bad thing about the snow is it makes the flat freezing constantly.

However saying all that, there's something Christmasey when it snows when its drawing near Christmas. Yesterday I was almost tempted to put up my Christmas tree up because of the snow. But then I realised it was a tad bit early for that. It has certainly put me in a Christmasey mood! I think that's mainly because I haven't heard any Christmas related songs or seen any TV adverts... yet!

Friday 26 November 2010

Is My Place of Work Out To Get Me?

I think my work hates me. Not the people who work there, they're great, but the actual building. I think the place is out to get me and laughs at me when I hurt myself. I came to this conclusion 2 nights ago. I was cleaning the cloakroom and as I was taking a box off the top shelf, a glass panel which was on top of it (hidden) fell and smacked me right in the face. It broke and I ended up with a fat lip. And I had just started work.

As I sat there holding ice to my lip, that's when I started to realise either I was just really clumsy or, my place of work was out to get me. This past week has gotten worse. At first, all I would get was static shocks each time I opened the cutlery drawers. Every time without fail. Then I started getting static shocks off of tables, chairs, walls, to name a few. I've also given people static shocks. Maybe because I'm drinking so much coffee I'm actually starting to generate energy!

Then there's that bloody coffee machine. Every time I go to use it I end up getting burned. I try to be careful but the machine doesn't care. I have more burn marks than I can count.

Maybe I'm just really unfortunate or there's a paranormal activity style thing happening to me. (Woah as I typed that there was a really loud bang inside my flat!) I've only been there not even a month. Does the hotel play games with the newbies, or will it get worse, the injuries get more bizarre?

I hope it's the first one

Tuesday 23 November 2010

La actualizaciĆ³n general de segundo

If you didn't know what the title of this post its the second general update! It's in Spanish! I was trying out my new translator app on my blackberry and it seems to work :)

Super Monkey Ball!
This may be the greatest game in the world (and the only game I'm still really good at). And I have rediscovered it's greatness! I had previously discovered this game over 9 years ago when it first came out. It was one of the pointless games where there was no storyline or special missions. You're a monkey in a big ball and had to collect bananas (I think the developers had a sick mind haha) and if you went over the edge you died.

You got to unlock 'mini games' which were better than the main play of the game. One of them was you got to fly around and land on these floats in the middle of the ocean. Thanks to Nicky for re-introducing me to the game! It feels so good to be great at a game that Sian sucks at :P

The flying bit!
Gossip Girl
I will admit it, I am now addicted to Gossip Girl now, although its a love-hate situation. It was Sian who got me into it. I thought it would be a lot of crap, I only agreed to watch the first 5 episodes so Sian would let me watch the new Family Guy. I half heartedly watch the first 2 episodes and then I couldn't stop. I'm now at the beginning of season 4, managed to go through 3 seasons in under a week! It's kinda sad really.

The one thing I don't like about it is they are too over the top! And they keep dating and breaking up with each other! You live in New York, they are more people there to date. And Serena what is up with your hair? I'm sure you can afford a brush!

A week today, I will receive my first pay cheque since August! It's so exciting!I have missed being able to buy  things, any things! I will no longer be under house arrest as I call it and will be able to go out with my own money and buy food! That's the one thing I can't wait for!

 Oh btw, its a bad idea to watch Gossip Girl when you're broke, they practically wipe their own asses with money and spend it like money grows on trees... just imagine that! However would that mean in the winter time everyone would be broke?
Everyone would have one in their garden
Christmas is drawing closer and I'm getting pretty excited. One month and 2 days! (You can work out how many days) The lights are going up in the streets and shops are starting to look all pretty with their decorations and there's a Ferris Wheel on Prince's Street for some German Market which lasts the whole of December apparently.

Like I said, I'm quite excited. I think it's because I'll be away from home during Christmas and I'm somewhere new. Spending Christmas alone isn't ideal, but I'll just work and have a takeaway for my Christmas dinner - it'll be my alternative xmas :)

You got 3 pictures in this post! Aren't I nice? I haven't even had a coffee yet!

Sunday 21 November 2010

A Small Adventure in Aberdeen

Earlier this year, I decided to visit my friend Sian for her 20th birthday in Edinburgh. However, things didn't quite go as planned, the boat wouldn't leave until the next day which would have meant I would be on the boat during her party. It must have been natures way of telling me not to go. I wasn't gonna let mother nature ruin my plans! After calling her, we decided to meet each other halfway, in Aberdeen.

The day was filled with catching up, laughs and plan making of the night's events. We even managed to argue before we had even greeted each other. As our friend put it, "To see such love brings a tear to my eye". One event which wasn't funny at the time, but funny now was when Sian went to clean her contacts, however she used the wrong solution and her eyes went bright red. Luckily, they got better as time went on.

A few hours later...

We found our tipsy selves in a crowded dark bar drinking beer out of plastic cups. The place looked dirty and was certainly not classy (as you can tell from the picture below) but we certainly had a good time. The music was loud, the crowd we were with were great but trying to find a seat was a bitch. Sian came running to be demanding to use my phone. When she got back, she showed me this sign she took a photo of.

Doesn't get much classier than this!
After ditching that bar the drinks were really starting to hit us. We were dragged to a gay bar where we saw an older guy with laced up trousers at the back (which we slapped as we ran out of the bar, the things you do when you're drunk). We then ended up at a strip bar. While all the guys drooled over the dancers, Sian and I went on facebook, checked our e-mails and drank more drinks. We also commented on the women's shoes and dancing techniques. It turned out to be the best bit of the night, despite falling down some stairs. When a woman came over to me offering a lap dance, Sian laughed until I turned the tables at her and told the dancer she would really enjoy one.

The next day however, I woke up on a friend's living room floor and had the most laziest day in the world. We said our goodbyes and hoped the summer holidays when Sian would get back would be as wild as our adventure in Aberdeen. And it was.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Happy Birthday Jemma!

13 years ago today, my sister Amy and I got a surprise when we got home from school. Our Mum had given birth to another addition to the family, a baby girl. To say we were excited is an understatement! I remember the day well. We desperately wanted to meet her and it seemed like our Dad was purposely taken forever to get ready for us too see her. Our dad told us to watch our younger brother, Matthew, while he got ready. Oh course, being young we rebelled and ran to the car without him. And being the typical younger one, Matthew followed us to the car.

Unfortunately for him, it was very windy and he was very light. He was blown against the gate behind the car, holding on to his little hat for dear life, crying out for us to help him. He was only 3 at the time. Amy and I couldn't help but laugh at his hopelessness and looking back, it was cruel not to help him. We got hell from our Dad.

We finally arrived at the hospital and ran to the room our Mum was in. In the bed next to her, was our littlest sister. She looked adorable. We never would've guessed what a pain in the ass she would be in later years! Haha I'm just joking!

Jemma wasn't any ordinary child. Everything she did had a comical touch to it. She was and still is so clumsy. Falling up the stairs, walking into doors, falling off the top bunk of the bed, you name it and she's probably fallen or walked into it. I remember when she was a few months old, Dad playing airplane with her and Jemma ended up throwing up in his mouth. Bet he was loving her then!

A few years later, she had gotten to the "leave something in her reach and something bad will happen" stage. We had noticed Jemma had been very quite for quite some time. Amy soon discovered why. Jemma was in Amy's room with pens. She had drawn all over her arms and face and claimed she was 'The Undertaker'. For those who don't know who The Undertaker is, he is an American wrestler with tattoo's all over his arms...

She is also one tough cookie. Her and Matthew had such a vicious rivalry when they were younger and she never backed down and was constantly trying to stir things up. Luckily for our Mum, they've calmed down more.

Happy Birthday Jemma!

And now she's entered the teenage years. Aww I remember it well. Tantrums, mood swings, under-age drinking, thinking you're better than everyone and you're always right. Good luck with another teenager in the house Mum!

Saturday 13 November 2010

In My Inbox

This morning, as I was bored and nothing interesting was happening online, I decided to clean out my inbox. I hadn't looked at it in a while and I was greeted with 5,743 unread messages. Wow! Memo to self - delete emails daily. Instead of clicking the delete all, I decided it would be interesting to see what I was actually getting. Curiosity never did anyone any harm (apart from the cat!)

Most of the emails were mostly from shopping websites trying desperately to get me attention to go to their website and buy things. They had headings like "SALE NOW ON!" and "25% OFF". I have to admit, it was tempting but my bank was like no ¬¬.

This is what happens when your computer screen breaks!
The next bunch that were similar was about money. "Do you owe over £5,000 in debt? Try this scam!" Ok, it didn't say that but I'm not that stupid to give my bank details to an unknown site. Accident insurance? Hmm maybe I need some of that!

One that caught my eye (and made me LOL) was from 'LoveFilm' with the email heading 'Overcome cold nights with our 30 days of movie pleasure'...

My favourite one of the lot was offering me a special deal on a face lift which could take up to 10 years off my age. If I did that I'd end up with the face of an 11 year old and considering I'm constantly getting ID'd then I think I'll give that a miss.

Emails which really annoy me is obvious scams which have the titles in long sentences without spaces and spelling mistakes, like this one.


Who in the right mind would open an email with a title like that? The scammer might as well put

'Hi, attached to me is a virus which will destroy your computer and everything in it ^.^'

Friday 12 November 2010

I'm Not Normally This Violent, I Swear!

Games. Any type of games that I play, whether it be a game on a console or a game of scrabble, I turn into this competitive monster. Ask anyone and they will tell you if I keep losing at a game I go insane. I think my competitive streak comes from my family. Coming from a large family, we were constantly trying to beat each other at games just to see who was the superior sibling. And if we were losing, the gloves were off and the rules were thrown out of the window. Someone nearly always got hurt.

The best example I can think of was when I was playing a game with my sister. I was losing. So I told her to say "Hit Me Baby On More Time", which she did, so I shoved her to the ground. Then I won the game we were playing. When she told on me, I simply said she told me to do it.

As I got a bit older, in came the console era. Playing outside had become a thing of the past, now we could play games from the comfort of the house, and not have to move at all. We crowded around the TV, our eyes widen with pure delight if we killed the bad guy or defeated the other player.


Before I knew it, I had become addicted. The better I became, the more I wanted to play. I'd stay up into the wee hours of the morning playing the same level over and over again, just so I could the perfect score. There was this one level where I had to lose a match to unlock a special feature. After hours of trying to lose, I decided to call the world's most useless player - my mother.

 Her losing wouldn't take long at all. Then all of a sudden, she unexpectedly won the match.

Mam: Oh yay I won! ^.^
Me: MAM! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LOSE! (no congrats on her first victory or anything)
Mam: Oh yer... oops...

The person who got most of the blame was my poor little brother. He always watched me play games and tried to give me pointers, which I already knew. His voice was so distracting. He always felt the wrath if I lost, but, he knew what would happen if I lost so, he brought it on himself really. The amount of controllers that have been broken by throwing them to the ground (or at him) is unbelievable.

Luckily for now, I hardly have any time to play games. And when I lose, I'm not as bad as I used to be, I'm still an awful sore loser but I'm working on it. I have to admit, my new game I like to play is annoying my brother when he plays games as his losing is just hilarious! Its hard to think I was like that. 

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Money Blues

My luck with money has never been great. Well, this past year it has been terrible! Once upon a time, I used to treat myself to something once a month but of course with not having a job to give me money, the luxuries went out of the window along with the necessities. Walking past shop windows is now a constant reminder of the things I can't afford. Even getting e-mails about sales brings a tear to my eye.

The tax people who were supposed to give me my cheque for money they owed me lost it in the post. It's now gonna take 4- 6 weeks to replace. When I phoned them asking where it was, they tried to blame their error on me! The guy on the phone sounded really nervous and scared whilst talking to me - I wasn't even being mean! Although from peoples point view I was like this.

If I was a cat, this is what I would have looked like

Who uses cheques anymore? Its such a prehistoric way to give money. And sending it in the post? You might as well tied it to a bird and hope it got to the right person. Then when you eventually get the cheque you have to wait another 5 days for it to clear! WHAT'S THAT ALL ABOUT? The tax people should make a way where the money can directly be paid into your account. Obviously make it safe so it doesn't go to the wrong person.

I have a feeling once pay day comes I'm gonna go crazy and over spend just because I have money. Then wait until the next pay day a month later wishing I hadn't spent it all.

Tuesday 9 November 2010


Maybe its because Halloween was last week but recently I have been having dreams that just plain freak me out! Take the dream I've just woken up from. It was a zombie dream and the dream felt so real I was terrified! Stupid Zombies freaking me out while I sleep! In one part of my dream, I was in a hallway but there was metal cages sort of floating around. In them there were cute little monkeys that you see at the zoo... but they were zombified. Then, after running around for what seem like ages, I had been transported to my new place of work. We were in the staff room and we could see the zombies trying to break the door down.

 We opened the ceiling (it was those plastic foam tile things) and climbed up just in time, but they were breaking and people were falling and getting eaten alive. I remember seeing the horror on peoples faces as they fell. My god, what have I been watching? Nothing with zombies in them, that's for sure!

Then, I was transported to the ceiling of my work to on top of the shelves at a supermarket, with a clear view of the zombies surrounding the store. Then to my horror, the shelves started to fall down so I had to jump from shelf to shelf to prevent from falling. That's when I woke up in a cold sweat. Oh did I mention Captain Janeway (Star Trek Voyager) was also with me for a while before she got eaten.

So, I decided to go on the internet to calm me down. I went on a dream search and searched for zombies. This is what came up.

"To dream that you are attacked by zombies, indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by forces beyond your control. You are under tremendous stress in your waking life. Alternatively, the dream represents your fears of being helpless and overpowered."

Huh. I don't feel I'm under "tremendous stress". So does that mean everytime I'm under I'm under a little stress I'm gonna get more dreams like this? That's just great! ¬¬

"The pursuer or attacker who is chasing you in your dream may also represent an aspect of yourself. "

So I'm dead on the inside? 

On a happier note I made cookies! And I didn't cock it up! Ok, all I had to do was mix butter with the pre made stuff and put it in the oven but hey, its a start! Maybe that's what gave me the nightmares, my cooking. It did have black icing. I wonder how my flatmates dreams will go.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

General Update!

Since my last post, I have started at my new job. So far I'm really enjoying it, although I keep burning myself with the bloody coffee machine! And the place is soo clean! And to sign in and out of work I have to have my thumb scanned - how very James Bond! Getting to work was a bit of a hassle though. At first I had to take two buses, that was until I realised I could take one bus which goes by my house to the hotel which only takes 15 minutes, instead of the 1 hour something bus ride.

Also, on Sunday, I was dragged out by my flatmates as it was Hallowe'en. I didn't want to go out as I wanted to be refreshed and not ill for my first day off work... that did not happen. All it took to convince me to go out was three shots! And as for my costume, last minute and all, I went as a whiteboard with a pen necklace! Although some drunk bitch kept pulling on my necklace so i drew all over her! And some of the messages I got made me laugh. See for yourself!