Saturday 29 January 2011

Shopping Junkie

I have a theory.

It occurred to me today that shopping on a regular basis is good for the mind and wallet. Of course it only occurred to me after I had fallen into a frenzy of spending.

I hadn't gone shopping for myself in ages. Usually it was for other people or things I really needed but not what I wanted. So after months of suffering and paying bills, the time had come when finally, I was almost caught up with everything and I had all this extra money in the bank.

Here's a pic of Snoopy... why not?

My main focus of today was to buy my brother something for his 16th (if you're reading this Matt then please tell me!!). After browsing through the games section half heartedly I saw something glimpse my eye. A digital camera in a sale. I didn't really need one, but I thought since I was going back home it would be nice to take a few pictures. So I bought it. Then I decided maybe he would want clothes so I went into River Island and looked around. Again I saw another sale on. So I bought some more

 After buying a few more items for myself I became hooked. I had become a shopping junkie. Just looking at the sale signs made me want to spend more. Before I knew it, I had used my card more times than I can count. Thankfully, my bank balance is still (reasonably) healthy and I won't be broke for the rest of the month... I hope.

Whilst sitting on the bus home I realised  that the reason I had become a shopping junkie was because it had been sooo long since I treated myself that I just went crazy with the rush of spending. I've now decided to treat myself ever now and then

I doubt I'll be able to spend like that again for a while though... and so the cycle repeats

Tuesday 25 January 2011

The (Almost) Break In

The other night I had the greatest idea I had in a long time. I would go to bed early so I would be all refreshed for work the next day and hopefully I would be in a great mood. However, as per usual, my dream of a good nights rest didn't come true.

At around 4 in the morning I was awoken by a loud banging noise at my door. Most normal people's reaction would be in shock that someone was trying to break in. This, as Sulley from Monster's Inc will show, was my reaction

Yes, that's right. My first reaction when I opened my eyes, wasn't fear, It was pure anger and hatred towards the person who had ruined my beauty sleep. But before I could do anything about it, I heard the person stop banging on the door and run outside. Damn!

When I got out of my room, I saw my flatmate peering out of the peer hole. He was all, "woah! did you hear that?!" sort of way and my reaction was, "Yes, they woke me up!"

And that was my sleeping pattern well and truly ruined. I couldn't get back to sleep. So, what do you do when someone tries to break into your flat? Well, you watch Bill Bailey of course. It did perk me up a tad.

However, a few hours later, my reaction had changed dramatically. It had gone from rage to shock, someone had just tried to break in! Then all the questions started playing in my head. What would have happened if they got in? What would I have done? What if I had been alone?

To make matters worse, I had to walk home from work that night. But it was ok, I had a plan. My plan of attack would be to kick them in their happy place and run like fuck!

Saturday 22 January 2011

Update 3!


Last weekend, the hotel I work at hosted the 3rd annual Scottish Salsa Congress for 2 days and 3 nights. And what a weekend it was! Salsa music blairing out of the speakers, more dancers than you can count and very long and exhausting shifts. But I have to admit, it was a lot of fun and I'd rather work during that than Up Helly Aa!

Walking into to work, I was as innocent as Bambi, not knowing what to expect, I was wide eyed but ready for anything... or so I thought. That was the Friday evening. Come Monday morning, I just wanted to drown under the covers due to the lack of sleep.  I think my best bit of the weekend apart from the professional salsa dancers dancing was all the guests learning to salsa dance and do a bit of it at the party but after a few drinks the salsa dancing turned into grinding. I actually can't wait until they're back, soo much fun! And great tips!

Not much Salsa going on here!
The Vamp Kit

Now, you may be wondering what exactly a Vamp Kit is, I was too. It was sitting in my managers office on top of a shelf, and I did ask what it was and she did tell me, but I didn't really listen... or hear, I'm not sure which. Anyhow, I joked if it was there incase anyone of us turned into vamps (We were joking earlier about forgetting what the sun looked like as we were working nights).

I think it really IS incase we do turn into creatures of the night (stranger things have happened). I think inside it there is the usual vampire repel things, stake, cross, holywater, garlic, all in a shiney, brightly coloured waterproof bag! So if it's slightly dark and rainy, at least the contents of your Vampire Repel Kit is unharmed!

Soon all workplaces will have one!

At the end of the month, for one week only (until summer probs) I will be back in Narnia, seeing my friends and family. Unlike Narnia, and I can't step into my closet and poof I'm there. If only it was that simple! I have to either take a plane or take a bus and a boat to get there which involves a lot of planning, money, time and a lot of travelling. But I can't wait to get back to the 'auld rock' and get proper drunk with a few of ma bitches. I can only hope travelling back there isn't going to be as stressful as getting to Edinburgh!

Either way, I'm sure I'll have plenty to tell once I'm back


Tuesday 11 January 2011

The Seagull

Seagulls. Some may think they're pretty but I think of them as rats with wings.

I have never liked seagulls. When I was little, they didn't really bother me that much, but that was because I lived in the country. But when I stayed in the town, they're constant squawking, day and night, was a pain. They never shut up! And I'd bet anything if there was an apocalypse they would survive...well them and cockroaches.

Apart from the constant squawking (the chicks are the worst for that) I hate that they're always there. You can't eat anything outside because they swoop down and basically attack you and steal your food. Or follow you around. One would circle you and call in reinforcements and the next thing you'd know you're surrounded by the f****rs

I mean, who died and made them Queens of the Sky? Think they can do whatever they want! One of my friends, this tiny little cute woman, was telling me the time when a seagull went to steal her food and it was dark so when it suddenly swooped down to steal her food her automatic response was to punch it! Good on her I say!

What I really hate is when people feed seagulls. Why? There's tonnes of them, and the way they'd thank you would be to poo on you (Which I'm sure is everyone's fear). Whoever said that a bird pooing on you was good luck probably made that up on the spot so he (or she) wouldn't look completely stupid in front of their friends and something good just happened straight after.

More signs should be like this - to the point
However there was a time when I did feel sorry for a seagull. My sister and I were looking out of a window where I worked and saw a seagull get run over. If that wasn't traumatising enough, a man casually walked up to it and broke its neck before tossing it in the water for the other seagulls to eat.

What a nice wee story to finish this post don't ya think...

Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Well the bells have rung out, the fireworks have gone off and a new year begins, 2011!

My New Years Eve was a quiet one. Unfortunately, I think I may have the flu so last night I was tucked up in bed by 6.30pm, and missed everything! But I did wake up at 1am and poured myself a glass of wine as I watched 3 drunken girls argue, slap each other and lie in the middle of the road. I have to say it did give me entertainment and I heard every word they said as they were soo loud!

Not the greatest NYE I've had, but I'll make up for it this year :)