Tuesday 25 January 2011

The (Almost) Break In

The other night I had the greatest idea I had in a long time. I would go to bed early so I would be all refreshed for work the next day and hopefully I would be in a great mood. However, as per usual, my dream of a good nights rest didn't come true.

At around 4 in the morning I was awoken by a loud banging noise at my door. Most normal people's reaction would be in shock that someone was trying to break in. This, as Sulley from Monster's Inc will show, was my reaction

Yes, that's right. My first reaction when I opened my eyes, wasn't fear, It was pure anger and hatred towards the person who had ruined my beauty sleep. But before I could do anything about it, I heard the person stop banging on the door and run outside. Damn!

When I got out of my room, I saw my flatmate peering out of the peer hole. He was all, "woah! did you hear that?!" sort of way and my reaction was, "Yes, they woke me up!"

And that was my sleeping pattern well and truly ruined. I couldn't get back to sleep. So, what do you do when someone tries to break into your flat? Well, you watch Bill Bailey of course. It did perk me up a tad.

However, a few hours later, my reaction had changed dramatically. It had gone from rage to shock, someone had just tried to break in! Then all the questions started playing in my head. What would have happened if they got in? What would I have done? What if I had been alone?

To make matters worse, I had to walk home from work that night. But it was ok, I had a plan. My plan of attack would be to kick them in their happy place and run like fuck!

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