Friday 25 February 2011

My Younger-self VS Birthdays

A few days ago, my sister Amy uploaded baby pictures of us on Facebook, which got me reminiscing about the past. Ahh the good old days when you had no responsibility, tonnes of holidays and the biggest threat was "I'm telling".

When I was younger, in my head if you were born first, then by law you should have you're birthday first. It was only fair! Well it came up to my sister birthday one day and I couldn't understand why her birthday was before mine. This is when the calender and time made no sense to me at all. She was born in April and I was born in July.

Me & Amy - my future partner in crime
 I remember being furious that my parents decided to celebrate her birthday before mine, it was completely illogical to me and she had done nothing terribly outstanding to get presents before me! Yes, that's what it all came down to, my jealously of her getting presents and cake before me and I would have to wait ages before the same happened to me.

Then my brother was born, in February. I couldn't believe it. My parents had decided their third child was more important than me! At the age of 7 when it was his first birthday, I decided to get Amy in on my jealously. She was as furious as me. So we decided to confront our mother about the matter

My brother - the constant pain in my neck
Our mother explained to us about how the calender works and gave us the reason why his birthday was before ours. We didn't believe her of course and spent the rest of the day resenting his existence.

As time wore on, our jealously lessened and the whole 'their birthdays are before mine' didn't matter anymore. That was until my brother Matthew decided he would make our birthdays about him. Amy and I didn't really care because well we were better than him. However Matthew made the fatal mistake of deciding from that day on, every birthday he was at, he would blow out the birthday cake candles - the big finale of the day.

Everyone thought it was cute. Amy however, did not. He had stolen her thunder, and for the rest of the year, he paid for it. Especially when he did the same to me. And when our younger sister Jemma was old enough, we got her to do the same thing he did to us - blow out the birthday candles. We got our payback - and some cake too!

Wednesday 23 February 2011


I think my flat is haunted.

The other night I was lying in bed getting all warm and settled until I felt something press down on my head. My eyes shot open and I searched the room with my eyes. I couldn't see anything so I basically flew out of my bed to switch the light on. Maybe something from the ceiling fell onto me, but when I looked at the place I was in, there was nothing there.

Ha! This pic makes me laugh!
Then I thought maybe I spider had falling off the ceiling and onto my head. I will admit, that thought crept me out so I slowly searched around the bed. I thought to myself that if it was a spider, it would have to be a massive heavy bugger and I'm sure I would've seen that (and had a stroke at the same time!).

You know when you've been freaked out and the slightest noise you hear, you think its someone breaking in to kill you? Well, that was me when I tried to fall asleep. I would close my eyes and try to concentrate on sleeping and then I would hear a creek and they would be wide open staring at the door.

This isn't the first time my flat has given me the spooks. When my flatmates were away for 3 weeks I hated being alone in the house. The same thing would happen, I would hear a noise and then vision someone killing me (maybe I should see a doctor or something, that can't be healthy)

And I bet you if I was being haunted, it wouldn't be from Casper

Sunday 13 February 2011

My Weird Dream

A couple of nights ago, I had a very bizarre dream. So bizarre that I can remember everything that happened in it.

So in my wee dream, I was with a bunch of friends and it was a bit of a musical dream. We were all singing and dancing in the middle of the street and having a good time until we saw a storm coming. Then we all started feeling a bit sick. Then we started throwing up blood. I woke up feeling quite stunned and wondered what the hell I had been watching for that to be in my head.

A few days later, the dream was still in my head. I began to get curious and wondered what it all meant. So I googled it (as you do).

"To dream that you are dancing, signifies freedom from any constraints and restrictions. Your life is in balance and in harmony." 

Ok, that sounds pleasant enough.

"To see a storm in your dream, signifies some overwhelming struggle, shock, loss or catastrophe in your waking life"

To be fair, I had to get up early the next day and catch a flight...

"To see blood in your dream, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments."


So to sum up, my dream meant I'm free from restrictions however I'm struggling with the shock of it and I'm disappointed with the passion in my life which is apparently in balance and in harmony.

Anyway here's a pic of a bunny! Why can't I have nice dreams about those

"To see a rabbit in your dream, signifies luck, magical power, and success".

Damn it! I never dream about rabbits

Thursday 3 February 2011

My Flight Home

Today I embarked on the long journey home from Edinburgh to Shetland. This time, I decided instead of taking a 3 hour bus and a 12+ hour boat home, I would fly. I figured, hey, I would be in Shetland for a bit longer that way and it would be soo much easier than the other option.

I didn't quite expect to get in such a faffle though!

I woke up with a jump at 5am thinking I had slept in and would miss my flight. After being reassured by the time I decided maybe it would be best to try and get a little bit more sleep, but I was too worried that my fear of sleeping in would be a reality.

Thinking ahead, I booked a taxi for quarter past 8 which gave me plenty of time to get to the airport and have plenty of time to spend at the airport before I had to board the plane at 9.15. I hadn't thought of how busy traffic would be and ended up in the taxi for ages

45 minutes later...

I knew time was running out fast. I still had to go to the booking thingy and get my ticket and unload my luggage. Luckily, there was no Que and I just breezed through the booking bit. Once up the stairs, I realised how big the airport actually was. I had to be at Gate 19 in 10 minutes. Time definitely turned its back on me. And there was only one obstacle in my way... the security booth thing.

I thought I was quite quick, my bag and jacket were quickly but neatly thrown into the box. When the guy said I had to take my shoes off, I was a bit stunned and asked him to repeat the question. So, boots were thrown off and I walked through the metal detector. I was quite pleased that no alarms went off, but when I saw my box being put into the searching bit, I was quite panicked. Not that they would find anything, but that I would be late for my flight. Luckily, the search was quick and it was only a can of body spray that caused the fuss.

So now it was a race against time. I had to get to my gate quickly! Trust my gate to be the one that's the furthest away. But it was OK, I got there in the nick of time.

Eventually, up up and away!

The flight was faster than I expected, but that was because I fell asleep. I had a dream I was at work and everyone wanted bloody cappuccinos. When the plane jolted, I was a bit confused where I was, but knew if I was starting to dream about work, then it was definitely time for a holiday.

Welcome Home...

Oh, and Happy 16th to my brother Matthew :)