Sunday 13 February 2011

My Weird Dream

A couple of nights ago, I had a very bizarre dream. So bizarre that I can remember everything that happened in it.

So in my wee dream, I was with a bunch of friends and it was a bit of a musical dream. We were all singing and dancing in the middle of the street and having a good time until we saw a storm coming. Then we all started feeling a bit sick. Then we started throwing up blood. I woke up feeling quite stunned and wondered what the hell I had been watching for that to be in my head.

A few days later, the dream was still in my head. I began to get curious and wondered what it all meant. So I googled it (as you do).

"To dream that you are dancing, signifies freedom from any constraints and restrictions. Your life is in balance and in harmony." 

Ok, that sounds pleasant enough.

"To see a storm in your dream, signifies some overwhelming struggle, shock, loss or catastrophe in your waking life"

To be fair, I had to get up early the next day and catch a flight...

"To see blood in your dream, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments."


So to sum up, my dream meant I'm free from restrictions however I'm struggling with the shock of it and I'm disappointed with the passion in my life which is apparently in balance and in harmony.

Anyway here's a pic of a bunny! Why can't I have nice dreams about those

"To see a rabbit in your dream, signifies luck, magical power, and success".

Damn it! I never dream about rabbits

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