Sunday 21 August 2011

One Year On

It is official. I have lived in Edinburgh for a full year! I think some people had doubts when I told them over a year ago I would be leaving Shetland to live here and probably assumed I wouldn't last! Well, I proved them wrong!

Ironically, ever since I moved to Edinburgh, I see my family more than when I lived on the same island as them! I'm glad I've managed to last a year, as I too had my doubts, only because when I moved down I had very little money (still do) and didn't have a job and didn't know anyone apart from 4 people. But fast forward a year and I'm so happy I stuck with this place. 

Shetland has become the place where my family live. Edinburgh has become my home.


To read how I get here, click here

Friday 19 August 2011

NFH Part 2

You may or may not remember my post about the people who live in the flat below me. So to catch up, I have extremely noisy neighbours, well at least I did.

So about a month ago, they were having their 4th party in a week and there was me, alone in my flat, trying to have a peaceful night with a glass of wine and a DVD. To try and make a point, I turned the TV up really loudly, hoping they would take a hint but, in all my wisdom, it backfired on me and they turned their crappy music up louder. Trying not to feel defeated, I concentrated on my movie. I could feel my rage slowly cooking and starting to rise to the surface.

Then when they turned it up louder...

It was time for some drastic action. I started to plot on what I could do to make them shut up. Call the police? By time they got here, they would have fallen alseep. Gone down there and kick ass? Probably would get my ass kicked.

Then I got it. I would write a letter.

I have to say, I felt pretty awesome posting this bad boy through their letterbox.

1 month later...

They're now really quiet! Not that I'm complaining, it has been the best, quietest month (for them) ever! Yay for me and my awesome letter writing skills :)


Something truly amazing happened - I managed to bake something which didn't end in disaster! I know, finally! I even used ingredients and had to mix it in a bowl! I think I'm growing! :)

Here's a pic of what I made, it looked better in real life

Saturday 13 August 2011

The Soundtrack of My Life

I know, this is such and old quiz but hey, it's late and I'm bored!
I also added some Youtube links to my answers (apart from one)

If your life had a soundtrack, what would the music be?
1. Open your library (iTunes, winamp, media player, Zen, iPod)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the name of whatever song comes up
5. Press the next button to get the answer to the next question

Soundtrack of My Life (according to my SanDisk Sansa)

Opening Credits:
Lovegame (The Tour Version) - Lady Gaga

Waking Up:
Listen To The Rain - Evanescence

First Day of School:
Breathe On Me/Touch of My Hand (TCS:BS Version) - Britney Spears
(A bit too sexual for a first day of school don't you think!)

Falling In Love:
Umbrella Beach - Owl City

Breaking Up:
Don't Bring Flowers - Erik Hassle

Amelia - Erik Hassle
(Couldn't find a good video)

I have a variety taste of music it seems...

Thursday 11 August 2011

Kingdom Hearts II

So, for the past week and a half I have non stop been playing KH2. It got really addictive. I found myself coming home from work at 2am and switching on old faithful (my 11 year old PS2) and playing that game until I realized I would only get 5 hour sleep if I didn't go to bed.

I had gotten so far before I needed my flatmate Keith to interfere. I had got up to the level where I had to defeat this pain in the ass guy who kept saying "dance water dance!" over and over again. Well, he kicked my ass royally and after hearing him repeat the same thing and getting beaten countless times, I called in the big guns. Keith told me the reason why I was getting my ass kicked was because I hadn't been using any of the HP boost things or adding any abilities to my character and gave me trouble for not paying attention. Well, I'm sorry, but when I'm playing a game, I want to play the game, not stare at a TV reading!

The rest of the game became more like a battle for me. A battle to complete the game quickly so I could A) Get some sleep, B) catch up on my housework and C) to be able to brag to my brother that I completed a game in just over a week.

Soon enough, it came to the last level. I felt quite proud of myself. I had never gotten to the end of a game without using cheats or a guide or in the space of nearly 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I wish I had seen a guide because I was unaware that once you started that level, you wouldn't be able to save and would have to endure in 4 battles. The hardest one was the 2nd battle (I think, it was all a blur).

It was soo annoying. I kept on dying. And when I thought I had nearly won, something new would happen and I would die. At one point, the guy was one hit away from dying and before I could give him the deathly blow, he killed me. My reaction was pretty much like this.

After screaming and swearing like a possessed demon, I remembered Keith was sleeping in the next room and it was 3am. So I had to contain my rage and rapidly press buttons like a mofo.

And then I won. And after 2 more easy(ish) battles, I had completed the game

But what to play now?

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Another Cooking Disaster!

On Sunday, after returning home from a wonderful night out, I thought it would be a good idea to have a cheese toastie as I was feeling slightly peckish. If the toaster had worked, this post would've ended with me saying it was the best cheesy toastie I had ever made. But as usual, things never turn out right for me and God must have seen an opportunity.

So I decided in my drunken state, to grill it. So I took the tinned tray at of the oven and did the whole pre-heating sequence with no dramas so I was feeling pretty confident. Now, as it was cooking, I must have been playing with my phone and it must have died because the next thing I know, I'm waken up on the floor next to my charger.

Realizing I feel asleep, I stumbled into the kitchen. No smoke or anything but I could smell burning. Well, I know I'm not at all blessed with cooking, but I really out did myself this time.

It was burned, and as you can tell by the picture above, not a little bit burned. It was so burned that if I got a knife to scrape off the burned bits the thing would turn into ash...

The irony is I set the cooker on low so the toastie wouldn't burn.

Also, as of yesterday, I have been officially banned from using the oven, and trying to make anything that would use the oven unless I'm being supervised. So in the meantime, I'm to use the microwave (I'm surprised I haven't blown the thing up... yet!)