Tuesday 2 August 2011

Another Cooking Disaster!

On Sunday, after returning home from a wonderful night out, I thought it would be a good idea to have a cheese toastie as I was feeling slightly peckish. If the toaster had worked, this post would've ended with me saying it was the best cheesy toastie I had ever made. But as usual, things never turn out right for me and God must have seen an opportunity.

So I decided in my drunken state, to grill it. So I took the tinned tray at of the oven and did the whole pre-heating sequence with no dramas so I was feeling pretty confident. Now, as it was cooking, I must have been playing with my phone and it must have died because the next thing I know, I'm waken up on the floor next to my charger.

Realizing I feel asleep, I stumbled into the kitchen. No smoke or anything but I could smell burning. Well, I know I'm not at all blessed with cooking, but I really out did myself this time.

It was burned, and as you can tell by the picture above, not a little bit burned. It was so burned that if I got a knife to scrape off the burned bits the thing would turn into ash...

The irony is I set the cooker on low so the toastie wouldn't burn.

Also, as of yesterday, I have been officially banned from using the oven, and trying to make anything that would use the oven unless I'm being supervised. So in the meantime, I'm to use the microwave (I'm surprised I haven't blown the thing up... yet!)

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