Tuesday 28 June 2011

The Cooking Calamity

As you may know by now from previous posts, when it comes to cooking I'm no Gordan Ramsey. However, as of late, I hadn't had any cooking disasters and was finally beginning to feel confident about cooking. I even managed to learn how to use the oven properly (its only taken me 10 months!)

Two days ago, after an exhausting shift at work and a long walk home, I decided it would be nice to make myself a nice warm meal. Nothing complicated, just oven chips and fish. So, I switched the oven on and began the pre-heating sequence. I thought while it was heating up, I would watch some TV on the internet (watching Pokemon from the beginning :) )

After about half an hour I went through into the kitchen to put the food in the oven. As soon as I walked into the room, I instantly knew I had cocked up royally as the room was all smokey. I rushed over to the oven and opened the door and thats when the whole of the smoke came raging out. Turns out, I had left a tray with tin foil in it in the oven and it started to burn. I wasn't really that panicked at first because this had happened to me before, but when the smoke started to burn the back of my throat, alarm bells started ringing.

I quickly rushed over to the window to try and open it, but because there was empty bottles in front of the window and the window being behind the sink and a shelf, it was quite difficult. And that's when the fire alarms went off. Now I was beginning to panic. Frantically, I started dumping the bottles into the sink and threw myself over the sink to open the window, which I eventually did. Now choking, I realized I probably should have switched the oven off first but at the time I thought taken the tray out would have been enough.

I began praying that the smoke would go our of the window and the fire alarms would go off. Then I thought to myself;

What if the fire engines come?
What if my building has to be evacuated?
What am I going to say to them?
Why did I have to cook when I know I'm crap at it?

As I was thinking all of that I was running around the house with a dish towel and batting it against the fire alarm. I don't know why, but I remember my granny used to do it and it worked for her.

Luckily, at 2.15am, my 10 minutes of pure terror was over, the alarms had gone off.

20 minutes later, I decided it would be ok to cook my food.

I still managed to burn it ¬¬

Wednesday 22 June 2011

The Thunder Storm

For the past few weeks. thunder storms seems to becoming a norm in Edinburgh. Even though most people are scared of thunder storms, I have to say I love them. I love how just before a storm hits, the rain gets really heavy and the sky gets darker and then the roar from the thunder comes and the sky lights up. It's so exciting!

I remember ages ago back in Shetland there was a really bad thunder storm and the sky turned really dark during the day. So my Mam rushed around the house switching off everything and unplugging everything in the house at the first sign of a storm, quite funny to watch actually (and I find myself doing exactly the same thing now!). So we were watching the lightning light up the sky and then saw it strike one of the wind turbines up on the hill. It was pretty exciting seeing the smoke rise from the turbine.

Although saying that, all the rain and the storms and the excitement of watching it does wear down after a while. After 2 weeks (or what feels like 2 weeks) of nothing but rain I can't help but wonder, will we have a sunny summer? In the mean time - get your brollies out!