Wednesday 23 February 2011


I think my flat is haunted.

The other night I was lying in bed getting all warm and settled until I felt something press down on my head. My eyes shot open and I searched the room with my eyes. I couldn't see anything so I basically flew out of my bed to switch the light on. Maybe something from the ceiling fell onto me, but when I looked at the place I was in, there was nothing there.

Ha! This pic makes me laugh!
Then I thought maybe I spider had falling off the ceiling and onto my head. I will admit, that thought crept me out so I slowly searched around the bed. I thought to myself that if it was a spider, it would have to be a massive heavy bugger and I'm sure I would've seen that (and had a stroke at the same time!).

You know when you've been freaked out and the slightest noise you hear, you think its someone breaking in to kill you? Well, that was me when I tried to fall asleep. I would close my eyes and try to concentrate on sleeping and then I would hear a creek and they would be wide open staring at the door.

This isn't the first time my flat has given me the spooks. When my flatmates were away for 3 weeks I hated being alone in the house. The same thing would happen, I would hear a noise and then vision someone killing me (maybe I should see a doctor or something, that can't be healthy)

And I bet you if I was being haunted, it wouldn't be from Casper

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