Thursday 3 February 2011

My Flight Home

Today I embarked on the long journey home from Edinburgh to Shetland. This time, I decided instead of taking a 3 hour bus and a 12+ hour boat home, I would fly. I figured, hey, I would be in Shetland for a bit longer that way and it would be soo much easier than the other option.

I didn't quite expect to get in such a faffle though!

I woke up with a jump at 5am thinking I had slept in and would miss my flight. After being reassured by the time I decided maybe it would be best to try and get a little bit more sleep, but I was too worried that my fear of sleeping in would be a reality.

Thinking ahead, I booked a taxi for quarter past 8 which gave me plenty of time to get to the airport and have plenty of time to spend at the airport before I had to board the plane at 9.15. I hadn't thought of how busy traffic would be and ended up in the taxi for ages

45 minutes later...

I knew time was running out fast. I still had to go to the booking thingy and get my ticket and unload my luggage. Luckily, there was no Que and I just breezed through the booking bit. Once up the stairs, I realised how big the airport actually was. I had to be at Gate 19 in 10 minutes. Time definitely turned its back on me. And there was only one obstacle in my way... the security booth thing.

I thought I was quite quick, my bag and jacket were quickly but neatly thrown into the box. When the guy said I had to take my shoes off, I was a bit stunned and asked him to repeat the question. So, boots were thrown off and I walked through the metal detector. I was quite pleased that no alarms went off, but when I saw my box being put into the searching bit, I was quite panicked. Not that they would find anything, but that I would be late for my flight. Luckily, the search was quick and it was only a can of body spray that caused the fuss.

So now it was a race against time. I had to get to my gate quickly! Trust my gate to be the one that's the furthest away. But it was OK, I got there in the nick of time.

Eventually, up up and away!

The flight was faster than I expected, but that was because I fell asleep. I had a dream I was at work and everyone wanted bloody cappuccinos. When the plane jolted, I was a bit confused where I was, but knew if I was starting to dream about work, then it was definitely time for a holiday.

Welcome Home...

Oh, and Happy 16th to my brother Matthew :)

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