Wednesday 10 November 2010

Money Blues

My luck with money has never been great. Well, this past year it has been terrible! Once upon a time, I used to treat myself to something once a month but of course with not having a job to give me money, the luxuries went out of the window along with the necessities. Walking past shop windows is now a constant reminder of the things I can't afford. Even getting e-mails about sales brings a tear to my eye.

The tax people who were supposed to give me my cheque for money they owed me lost it in the post. It's now gonna take 4- 6 weeks to replace. When I phoned them asking where it was, they tried to blame their error on me! The guy on the phone sounded really nervous and scared whilst talking to me - I wasn't even being mean! Although from peoples point view I was like this.

If I was a cat, this is what I would have looked like

Who uses cheques anymore? Its such a prehistoric way to give money. And sending it in the post? You might as well tied it to a bird and hope it got to the right person. Then when you eventually get the cheque you have to wait another 5 days for it to clear! WHAT'S THAT ALL ABOUT? The tax people should make a way where the money can directly be paid into your account. Obviously make it safe so it doesn't go to the wrong person.

I have a feeling once pay day comes I'm gonna go crazy and over spend just because I have money. Then wait until the next pay day a month later wishing I hadn't spent it all.

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