Tuesday 26 October 2010

These Boots Were NOT Made For Walking!

On Sunday I had an interview at a hotel to be a bartender/waiter. Since I had no money I had to walk to my interview which was 2 hours away from my flat. Looking up the map on Google Maps, I decided it really wasn't that complicated to get there and it wouldn't take me 2 hours. I got dressed in my "interview" outfit and headed off.

Lucky for me it was a nice day so at least I didn't get rained on or anything. Nothing really exciting happened in the first hour of walking. All I had to do was follow the road in a straight line and I'd be at the end of the road where I'd have to take a left. Soon I came to a bit where the road split into two. Standing there for about 10 minutes, I wondered which way to go. I decided to continue the road as it seemed like a most sensible idea. 

Half an hour into my decision I realised I was lost. I mean really lost. I had been walking down a road which had fields as far as the eye could see. And sheep all around me. I was beginning to wonder if I had transported back into Shetland. The map I had on my phone wasn't very useful so I asked for directions. The two people I asked weren't very helpful. They pointed and told we to go here there and everywhere. Looking at my watch, I realised I only had half an hour to get to the hotel and I had no idea where I was going, so I gave up on the interview.

Walking back the way I came, I was quite angry at myself and pissed off. All that walking for nothing. Then I joked in my head that it was the other way I should've gone. When I got to the split of the road I looked at a sign which I hadn't noticed. Squinting my eyes, I realised that was the right way. Running across the road (nearly getting knocked down by a few cars) I rushed to get to the hotel on time.

It was me vs time. I looked at my watch again, I only had 20 minutes to get there and I was still a piece away. That's when my feet started to get sore. It wasn't that bad at first, I just started limp walking. But then it got extremely painful! I wanted to take baby steps, but I couldn't so I power up a hill to get to my interview.

After the interview (and getting to sit down for 45 mins) I felt walking home would be fine. How wrong was I! After the first few steps walking out of the hotel my feet were killing me! And I was ages away from home.  The walk home was a bit of a blur. But I do remember the pain! After an hour in, I tried to convince myself I was nearly home but nope, my brain knew I was miles away. After more endless walking and nearly thinking I was home, I spotted a BT station. I was confused, had I walked past a BT station? Then I realised that was MY BT station which was near my house! I nearly cried with joy! My feet felt like they were drowning in my own blood. By now I was taking baby steps although from an onlookers point of view they probably thought I had something up my ass.

When I got home, I took of those shoes and couldn't walk anymore. I crawled to bed, exhausted and beaten. The next day, it was still sore to walk. I walked 10 miles on Sunday, which is quite an achievement, but was the pain worth it? If I get the job, I'll tell you!