Wednesday 27 October 2010

Super Mario World

Have you ever played a game where you matter what you do, you still suck at it? Well that's what I'm like with Super Mario World. Yesterday, my flatmate Sian suggested we give the game another go. Hoping it wouldn't be a repeat of the last times we've played it I agreed.

The Super Mario World game is on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, or SNES and the game was originally released in 1990. It's weird to think this is what gaming in the early 90s was like. It should be in a gaming museum! 

Oh course, when picking who was who, Sian picked to be the hero Mario, the one loves and adores which left me stuck with Luigi, the one no-one really cares about but is forced to like cause it's Mario's brother.

So basically the way we play the game is Sian does all the hard work and gets passed all the levels while I do the same level over and over again and use up all the lives. Once in a blue moon I will complete a level which makes me feel all "haha I'm better than you" only to die at the next level. Or I'll get really far and as something bad is about to happen, and I mean 5 seconds before death, Sian will yelp out for my to watch out on something, which cause me to jump and Luigi to die.

Then it comes for Act 2 of how we play, Sian starts to get bad. Which prompts me to laugh, which she gets mad about (she's a very violent gamer). Then it becomes a competition on easy levels like who can get the most mushrooms. Then the final act is when I get soo angry at dying I give up and laugh at Sian's failures.

Quote Of The Day
Sian: "I'm just as pretty as a peach"
Me: "Yer and as sour as a lemon"


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