Sunday 5 December 2010

The German Market

A couple of weeks ago, I joined my friends for the annual opening of the German Market and the Christmas lights getting switched on in Edinburgh. Luckily for us, the market opened a few days before the snow started so at least we weren't slipping on the snow. It was a spectacular show, five men dangling on wire for... well I don't really know why they were on the wire, maybe they were decorating the tree or something, but we all watched in awe as the spotlights followed them up high.

We all decided it would be fun to get Mulled Wine, but it turned out only Sarah and I got any. As we waited in the que for ages, the fireworks went off. After a few minutes watching the pretty colours in the sky, we got bored and concentrated solely on getting the wine. After paying the £2 deposit for a cup (which was quite ugly) and another £3.50, we finally got our wine and took a victory sip. After a couple more sips, we had both given them to other people.

The market was absolutely packed. Trying to get from one end to the other was a challenge. It took us a long time. As we were making some progress through the crowd, I realised we were all walking like penguins, slowly marching along and all huddling together trying to get warm. In this case however, we were all trying to get to our destinations and would push and shove people out of the way to get there.

A few days later, Sian and I decided to have another look at the market. This time, we got to see everything and had enough room to "swing a cat around". It was also covered in snow so it felt a tad bit more Christmasey.

 We decided it would be fun to go on the Ferris Wheel. It was fun until Sian decided to turn the cage around (there was a wheel in the middle of the cage which you could spin to see at all angles). It made a creeking sound and started to vibrate. For something that had only been up for a few days startled us. That was when we noticed the rust on it. We had to go around another 3 times before it stopped to let us off.

Notice how I'm holding on for dear life!
There was also a Wii tent too. We got to play some Wii games for free. Unfortunately it confirmed what I already knew, that I suck at Nintendo games. Only Nintendo games (apart from Monkey Ball!). There was also an ice rink but I wasn't going to pay £8 to fall on my ass when I could do it for free.

Overall, the market is a lot of fun! I wish there was something similar like that in Shetland, but saying that it would've been just another market and not as fun as it has been!

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