Tuesday 29 March 2011

I'm coming out...

Not out of the closet, I pranced out of there a few years back. I have an(other) addiction. Nope its not cigarettes, or champagne... or the internet...

lI didn't mean too, it just happened. It's work's fault! I developed a craving which, kinda turned into an addiciton.

I am addicted.... to Irn Bru.

It all started so innocently, as most addictions do. It all started when I was looking at the vending machine and thought to myself, oh, Irn Bru, I haven't had that in ages.

It went down hill from there.

I didn't really notice I had developed a serious Irn Bru craving until, one of my colleagues asked me how many cans I have a day. On good days its four, on bad days its more (like my rhyme?) That's only 20 cans a week, which is... 80 cans a month. God I need help! But at 60p a can, who cares?

The day I realised I had an addiction to Irn Bru was the day my door to the locker rooms got jammed. On the day I decided not to have a can before work.

Since we couldn't get in, I had to drink plain water with my break. I had unintentionally gone into cold turkey mode, but after the "I can quit" phase has run out and you desperately want your fix.

However, a few hours passed and I started feeling better. Maybe I could work a whole shift without needing Irn Bru. I announced to my colleagues that I may have kicked my habit. A few seconds later, someone told me the locker door was working and like a flash, I was at the vending machine getting some Irn Bru.

Old habits die hard eh?

P.S. Who else loves the Irn Bru Christmas advert? It's just not Christmas without that advert ^.^

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