Tuesday 5 July 2011

The Spider Anxiety

Last night I was having a peaceful evening, watching Friends whilst drinking some wine celebrating (if you can call it celebrating) my 22nd birthday, when all of a sudden I saw something move very quickly along the floor. It was the biggest, fastest spider I had ever seen and there was no-one here to kill it for me! I jumped up on the sofa and began to stare at the unit, waiting for it to scurry out so I could squish the little bugger.

After about half an hour of constantly watching the floor. then the TV and then the floor again, I decided, hey, it wasn't really that big so I would just leave it and tried to relaxed with a magazine. The spider obviously decided it hadn't freaked me out enough. Just as I was beginning to forget about it, it darted along the floor, with caused me to jump out of my chair and let out a scream. Yes, I'm a big pansy when it comes with spiders. My neighbours probably thought I was getting murdered.

Rushing to the kitchen to get a glass to capture the bastard, I slowly paced myself to catch it. But just before the glass was over it, it darted towards me, which prompted me to jump onto the coffee table. It was very matrix style haha.

After much minutes of breaking into a cold sweat and screaming and running away from the spider I eventually caught it. My victory reward, a shot of vodka!

And here it is next to a 2 pence coin!
Oh and I decided not to kill the spider! I did decide to throw the spider out of my window and onto my neighbours who were being loud and drunk... again! To hear them scream! Revenge is oh so sweet >:)

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